The Rural Bank of Calbayog City, Incorporated (RBCCI) is steadfastly dedicated to empowering micro, small, and medium enterprises by offering a comprehensive range of financial products and services at equitable terms.
Our mission extends to bolstering agricultural livelihood initiatives and delivering specialized support to beneficiaries of agricultural reform. We aim to catalyse agribusiness as a viable alternative for livelihood in the Samar region.
As part of our ongoing commitment to innovation, RBCCI will spearhead the digital transformation of its banking processes and services. This includes expanding our capabilities to serve Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and Samareños across the globe.
With a focus on surpassing client expectations, RBCCI strives to be recognized as the preferred banking partner for our diverse clientele. Our pledge is to deliver quality service that not only meets but consistently exceeds the aspirations of those we serve, thereby solidifying RBCCI as their bank of choice.
Aspires to be the benchmark for excellence among financial institutions on Samar Island, fortified by an unyielding dedication to integrity, unmatched industry acumen, and a profound sense of empathy. Our mission is to elevate the quality of life within our communities through the comprehensive digitalization of financial services across all cities, municipalities, and wherever Samareños may reside.
We are committed to offering innovative and economically viable solutions for housing, financing trailblazing technologies, and championing sustainable practices in energy, sanitation, waste management, and water treatment. VALUES INTEGRITY. We are committed to show fairness, transparency, honesty and responsibility in execution of our duties. We deliver accurate, reliable and customer-friendly products and services.
Our business processes and practices support service excellence while protecting the interests of our customers, employees, and shareholders. CLIENT-CENTERED. We are customer-focused and therefore we continuously improve the quality of our services and image of the bank and to exceed the customers’ expectations and to provide with the highest value based on local values or practices. RECOGNIZING HIGH-LEVEL PERFORMANCE.
We recognize the creativity and diversity and offer rewards to our high-level performer employees. BEING EFFECTIVE. We are innovative and designed leaders who seek to do the right things at the right time. DILIGENCE. We are dedicated to consistently deliver outstanding results. INNOVATION. We ensure the optimal use of information communication technology. TEAMWORK. We work together in harmony to realize the goals within the allotted time.
In the Rural Bank of Calbayog City’s efforts to meet its Mission and Vision, the Bank hereby sets its Company Objectives. These shall serve as indicators to Management that the Bank is meeting the business and service expectations of its customers.
Republic Act No. 7353 entitled “An Act Providing for the Creation, Organization and Operation of Rural Banks and for Other Purposes” categorically states that the establishment of rural banking system is designed to make needed credit available and readily accessible in the rural areas on reasonable terms.
Meanwhile, much is still desired regarding the government’s Internal Revenue Allotment for the provinces in Samar Island, which we believe is not properly utilized for the development.
The Rural Bank of Calbayog City, Incorporated (RBCCI) was founded on
February 7, 1959 with the late Hermenegildo R. Rosales at its helm as the Chairman of the Board, came together with the intention of assisting the agricultural and aquaculture sectors.
RBCCI maintained the distinction being the first bank in the City of Calbayog as well as in the Province of Samar. Incorporated with an authorized capital of Php 50,000.00, this “seed” money was more than sufficient to assist the farmers, fishermen and other small businesses. Its main thrust was to improve the quality of the Samaren os’ lives by offering finance assistance and technical know-how regarding the business or project they would like to embark on.
In addition to providing financial assistance to those who required it, RBCCI also provides depository services to its clientele.
Such facility not only provides security measure for the bank, at the same time, it provides an investment opportunity to its depositors through its earned interest on their respective monies.
Owing its continued existence and success to the communities served by the bank, RBCCI in return takes part in social responsibilities like giving contribution to various disaster-relief programs, socio civic activities and charitable institutions.
Rural development emerged as a distinct focus of policy and research in 1950’s and gained full momentum in 1970’s when Universal and Commercial Banks (UCBs) started their venture in Calbayog. Whereas economic growth and industrialization were important, rural areas and its development had crucial and different roles to play. Moreover, it also entails more than the development of agricultural production – which was the primary objective of RBCCI.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Address: 82T. Bugallon St., Brgy. Central, Calbayog City, Samar
Banking Hours
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m to 4:00 p.m
Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m
For more information you may email us : rbcci@rbcalbayogcity.com
You may also visit our main office @ 82 T. Bugallon Street., Calbayog City 6710., Western Samar
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